Foreword viii
Acknowledgements ix
1 Introduction
2 Philosophy
2.1 The formative years
2.2 The Middle Age
2.3 Transition
2.4 Lessons
3 Planning
3.1 The site
3.2 Layout
3.3 Guidelines
3.4 Rehearsal
3.5 Short alternatives
4 Design
4.1 Tees
4.2 Putting greens
4.3 Bunkers
4.4 Fairways and rough
4.5 Trees
4.6 Water
5 Construction
5.1 Method
5.2 Specification
5.3 Bills of Quantity
5.4 Drawings
5.5 Clerk of Works
6 Practical politics
6.1 The head greenkeeper
6.2 Etiquette
6.3 Safety
6.4 Furniture
6.5 Presentation
6.6 A single green
Appendix 1 Survey of the carry (pitch) of drives
carried out on behalf of the British
Association of Golf Course
Architects (B.A.G.C.A.)
Appendix 2 Length/area guide
Appendix 3 Green plans (Martin G.Hawtree)
Appendix 4 Specimen pages: Specification and
Bills of Quantity
Appendix 5 Tree lists
Appendix 6 Metric/Imperial conversions
کتاب راهنمای طراحی زمین های گلف