by Richard Bronson, Ph.D.
Abridgement Editor
Erin J.Bredensteiner , Ph.D.
Included fully solved problems for every topic
Chapter 1: Basic Concepts and Classifying Differential Equations
Chapter 2: Solutions of First-Order Differential Equations
Chapter 3: Applications of First-Order Differential Equations
Chapter 4: Linear Differential Equations: Theory of Solutions
Chapter 5: Solutions of Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations withConstant Coefficients
Chapter 6: Solutions of Linear Nonhomogeneous Equations and Initial-Value Problems
Chapter 7: Applications of Second-Order Linear Differential Equations
Chapter 8: Laplace Transforms and Inverse Laplace Transforms
Chapter 9: Solutions by Laplace Transforms
Chapter 10: Matrices and the Matrix Exponential
Chapter 11: Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients by Matrix Methods
Chapter 12: Power Series Solutions
Chapter 13: Gamma and Bessel Functions
Chapter 14: Numerical Methods
Chapter 15: Boundary-Value Problems and Fourier Series