* زبان: انگلیسی
* انتشارات: تیلر و فرانسیس
* سال انتشار: ۱۹۹۸ میلادی
* تعداد صفحات: ۱۹۳ صفحه
Part 1: Entropy in Thermodynamics
1- Temperature and Heat: Some Historical Developments
2- Temperature and Heat: A Different Approach
3- The 1st Law of Thermodynamics
4- The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
5- Entropy: How it Works and How it is Used
6- Entropy in Irreversible Changes
Part 2: The Statistical Interpretation of Entropy
7- The Statistical Approach: A Specific Example
8- General Ideas and Development: The Definition of a Microstate
9- Temperature and Entropy in Statistical Mechanics
10- Application to Solids
11- Application to Gases: The Classical Approximation
12- Application to Gases: Bose - Einstein and Fermi - Dirac Gases
13- Fluctuations and Maxwell's Demon
Part 3: Entropy at Low Temperature
14- The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics
15- Absolute Temperature and Low Temperature
16- The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics and Unattainability of Absolute Zero
آنتروپی و مفهوم فیزیکی آن